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   In the last long scene, Isabella accused Angelo in front of the Duke and the nobles. Angelo pretended that all she said was just a joke and smile to the nobles, but next moment, he changed to a strict and frightened face. I really love that acting. Then he changed to a despaired look instantly when he saw the Duke knew everything. The Duke ordered him to marry Marianna, who he slept with for one night, and thought she was Isabella. Nao was really so charming in a white bridegroom coat. Marianna and Isabella kneeled down to beg the Duke for his life, he was surprised and touched, why would they still beg for me after all I did to them? Although Angelo did not say a word, you can feel all those things.

   In the end, Isabella did not answer the proposal of the Duke clearly, ran to the stage back, the duke and other nobles followed her. Angelo held the waist of Marianna softly, and they smiled to each other with love. Together with Claudio and Juliet, they went to stage back and live happily ever after. Isabella put down her cap, came to stage with the flying white bird. The play finished.

   For the curtain calls, actors came out in sequence and bowed to the audience, and finally Nao stood in the front and leaded other actors to bow to three directions. The curtain fell and rose again. The photo of Ninagawa Yukio appeared, as he passed away before the performance started. Then all the actors bowed again. Applause from the audiences never stopped. In the final performance of Fukuoka, the curtain rose one more time, actors turned back and applaud to the photo, then applauded to the audiences. As Ninagawa passed away, Nao had a sad and strict face in every curtain call. Lucio cried in the last day. When the Duke waved to the audiences instead of applauded, some of the audiences and me waved back, Nao smiled like a child, finally.

   Any people have their own reasons, even though we may not agree with them. Nao’s acting emphasis on show you why, and what lead to the character to do all those things. If you can understand Angelo, recognize that we all have weak parts in nature; Angelo may not be a so bad guy it seems. I think the Duke is more evil indeed. It is sad that Ninagawa cannot watch the play himself, and this become his last work. Thanks for giving those precious chances to Nao and taught him so much, so we can see his great improvement in acting. I am thankful for watching such a wonderful play and a totally different Nao.


As the original script remain now only included lines, miss the expressionand movement of actors, Ninagawa Yukio, together with the director and actors,created their own way to present it. The stage sets are rather simple comparedwith Kafka on the shore, but showed all the scenes, from a noble’s room to thejail, perfectly.  

I heard that the play have changed a bit inthe first few performances, but the four times I saw were nearly the same,maybe they finalized it already.

When Isabella said she would bride Angelo for his brother’s life, Angelolooked back and said what? The facial expression and body movement of Angeloshowed a thousand dirty thought. That is epic! It is rare to see Nao acts adirty guy. Many audiences laughed. Although the play was a sad story actually,there were many scenes make people laugh. Pompey was really funny. Every main characterwould walk through the audience to enter the stage in different scenes, Angelojust walked through one time, but I was not lucky enough to sit near the stair.

Angelo had two scene of monologue. The first one was after he fellin love with the pure, intelligent and beautiful Isabella. Rationale conflictedwith desire, Angelo was never wanted a woman so much. Is this her responsibility,or is this my responsibility? Well, I only knew that there were so many female audiences,maybe many of them was tempted by that beautiful Angelo. Then, when he metIsabella next day, he decided to follow his desire, asked her to exchange herbrother’s life with her body. There was a large white chiffon hanging on thestage. Angelo and Isabella walked inside and outside the chiffon through theirconversion. Angelo maybe a bad guy, but when he said “Said it bluntly, I loveyou”, and kneel down to the stage to beg Isabella to trust him, I was really convinced.Nao’s acting made you believed that, Angelo not only wanted Isabella’s body, butin a very wrong way, he really loved her. When Isabella rejected him, that badguy Angelo was the Nao I have never seen before.

The second monologue was after Angelo knew the duke would come backsoon, and afraid that all his evil doings would revealed. He was so regrettedfor what he did, put out his coat and threw it on the stage. The acting was so fascinatingthat I don’t know how to describe in words. He walked away, looked back, andput on the coat again. It was so handsome and attractive that killed fans in asingle hit, even Angelo was a mean guy who fell into desire, loved his powerand breached his promise.



<Measure for Measure> Review

Measure for Measure is called one of Shakespeare's problem plays,and rarely performed as the main character, Angelo, is too difficult to act.After watching four plays, I can tell you that Nao did not act like Angelo, hewas Angelo himself. How a strict noble fell in love at the first sight, lostself-control, despaired when all of his evil things was revealed, Nao can performedevery emotional change of Angelo by a smile and a gaze, even he did not havemany lines in the play actually.

I went to four plays in Fukuoka. As I heard some news from otherswho went to watch the play earlier, I entered the theater immediately afterthey opened it. Actors and actresses prepared on the stage. Later, the Dukeentered, following Isabella, and finally, Angelo. Nao really has a special charisma,even you sat far away, many actors talking and walking through the stage, I amsure that you can always locate where he was. Nao practiced his lines on thestage, talked with other actors, and did some vocal exercises. He played withthe child actor every time and smiled so sweetly like a father. It was awonderful moment to watch him on the stage before the play started. Then, thebell rang, the stage sets started to move, actors put on their outer clothing.Finally, Angelo put on his luxuriant long black coat, the play started.

The play was nearly the same with the original script, included allthe story plots, and according to my limited Japanese, changed the scripts to away that easier for audience to understand. For example, in the scene thatAngelo annoyed and left the court, he said the longest night in the world inRussia, while the original script of Shakespeare he said the night in Russiaonly. When Lucio asked Isabella to help his brother, a bit of his joke isdeleted. Isabella was the younger sister of Claudio, while in the original one,she was the elder sister, and this may due to the age of actors.





      完場後當然要去歡送Angelo大人。第一晚我找不到正確晚是等到了,他戴著白帽和口罩,從出口直奔上計程車,過不久就下起很厲害的驟雨,我撐了傘也擋不住。最後一天是日場,不知大家是太閒,還是人人都知道出口了,漸漸聚集了一百多人,有兩位工作人員出來維持秩序,要大家站在黃線內排隊,不准拍照。長長人龍在小倉這安靜的地方相當注目,路人走過總要注視一番。有兩位女生看到這,思考了一會我們到底在排甚麼,看到牆上的海報,一臉秒懂的模樣;有小孩直接開口問了。期間又下起了大雨,但停雨後他才出現。大家對他說「辛苦了。」,鼓掌致意。這天似乎有走慢一些,所以背影看得比較清楚。同樣的白帽和口罩,深綠色大骷髏圖案外套,Another Sky出現過的橙色大手提包,太過引人注目,有松田護駕也擋不住。幾個人一起上了藍色保姆車,看Voice是直奔北九州機場的,一直戴口罩是因為有些感冒,連演三日辛苦了。




第二段獨白是Angelo得知公爵即將回國,懼怕自己的惡行會被揭發,懊悔不已。演技與魅力,這段的震撼實在無法用筆墨形容— Angelo扔下象徵權力的長袍,起身離去,卻又戀棧地回頭一看,重新披上。這一連串的動作絕對帥得超越歷史,秒殺Fans1604年的維也納肯定沒有這麼迷人的代理國王吧?

最後,當Isabella在公爵及貴族面前揭發Angelo的惡行,Angelo先是故作冷靜,輕蔑地笑笑,一臉你看她說的話多麼可笑?的表情;瞬間自然轉換到嚴肅而懼怕的黑臉,我很喜歡這段。當他知道公爵通曉一切,不只表情,連高傲的氣場也變得狼狽絕望。公爵命令他與Marianna成婚,他一臉錯愕,倒也沒有抗拒。就算年紀大了,穿新郎白袍回來的直人依然十分迷人。及後當他看到,被他如此對待的IsabellaMarianna,仍願意為他求情,是一臉的驚訝與感動。雖然末段他只有幾句台詞,卻一切都盡在不言中。最後他輕摟 Marianna的纖腰,溫柔地相視而笑,雙雙退場。瞬間就演出了夫婦感— 雖然有點突然,但也算是圓滿結局吧。




Angelo 有兩場精采獨白,第一場是當他迷上那美麗純潔,雄辯滔滔的Isabella後,慾望與理性爭扎,他從沒如此想佔有一位女性。是我的錯?是那女人的錯?到底在描繪甚麼幻想?我只知道不知有多少女觀眾是被綺麗的Angelo迷惑而來。可能會有觀眾覺得Angelo如此漂亮貴氣,應該不愁沒女人吧?這動搖的鹹濕佬演得太好,反而更加迷人。我覺得這段實在很切合Crime of Love的歌詞,胸の中に,隠していた,欲望のままに踊ろう;美しいものを,気高いものを,この手で汚してみたい—難道直人會演Angelo也是宿命?然後,當第二天Isabella來找他,他決定服從自己的慾望,那段對手戲也十分精采。「直接說吧,我愛你。」Angelo也許是個敗給慾望,又背信棄義的男人,但當他示愛,再下跪求Isabella相信他時,我被說服了,覺得他真的不是只想佔有她的身體。說到底,愛與佔有只是一體兩面,而且經過無數次鍛煉,直人實在太擅長演繹「我愛你」這句話。當Isabella拒絕,那位從未見過的惡魔Angelo,實在太懾人心神。

