回顾以往直人十年的LIVE片段,屏幕上从十年前最初腼腆的直人到自信满满7.0、8.0到最后现场的9.0,一路走来让身为直饭的我很是感动T . T 全场只有在大家观看大屏幕:回顾以往十年LIVE画面+票选倒数前十曲目+钢琴弹奏时台下观众是座在座位上看的,其余时间大家都是整齐化一地陪伴台上的直人一起击掌打拍子,挥舞手臂,挥舞手帕,劲歌热舞地投入着这场盛大的PARTY,现场的气氛热烈和谐!让我感动的是LIVE最后直人有走到舞台右侧行动不便的轮椅专区面交殘障直友PICK,让殘障直友感动不已!
The first day of the Forum was very very exciting.
Playing piano was over my best, so, I think I should be more carefully to play tomorrow.
I'm feeling big satisfaction at the last day of my 36 years old, because of all of you.
I have 2 days concerts on this time, I have played songs that I don't used to play usually..
I felt another tension as unusual....
At least, tomorrow will be the last day of my birthday live.
I will run to the last with no regret.
Enjoy together!!
Naohito Fujiki
<<フォーラム2日目。/the secound day of Forum>>
みんなが歌ってくれた“HAPPYBIRTHDAY TO YOU”、とってもうれしかったです!
Dear Beijin Cat,
Did you enjoy the second day of Forum?
It's good memorial day to my life that I've spent with you together.
I was very very glad to hear the song "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" you sang for me!
It should became a wonderful birthday present for me.
I have had a various things for 10 years, I feel many thanks for my band members or my staffs,
and especially, you who come to my live performance.
That's why I came here and continued music until today.
Thank you, everyone! (hearts)